A Blog On Music
At last, after a long time!! May be I should have thought about a better title for this.. something like @#$#@@#$ ;) hehe!! WHO CARES!! Anyways, I'm taking a break from short stories!! At the same time, I want to fill the pages of my blog.. So here it goes ..
A blog dedicated to the different styles of music that I have come across. Hope you like it too...
An awesome fusion of Indian and Flamenco styles of music. The whole album dwells on the elements of flamenco and its Indian roots. It expresses both the cultural and musical amalgamation of India and Spain which makes me wonder whether this musical form could have had a common ancestor, viz., The Gypsies of Andulucia. I wouldn't say for sure that Flamenco has its roots in India, but what if the Gypsies, who left India ages ago, had settled somewhere else? Would Flamenco have sounded the same? I doubt!! Even though these extremely interesting genres of music are not directly related, the emotionality, expression, rhythm, depth and sensitivity that forms the very nature of Indian music can be felt in Flamenco too. Check out Miguel Czachowski [ Flamenco Guitarist ] and Avaneendra Shilokar's [ Sitar ] magic
[ The Basics of Classical Fusion: The base of Indian music is constituted by raga, that is a sequence of at least five notes of one scale. A melody founded on it is performed according to specific principles and with a certain mood. This is a list of six main ragas and each one of them having its variations. After converting it into the European note system, assuming that the first note in the scale will be the sound C, these six ragas are as follows:
Bhairav - C, Db, E, F, G, Ab, B, C
Shri - C, Db, E, F#, G, Ab, B, C
Malkauns - C, Eb, F, Ab, Bb, C
Hindol - C, E, F#, A, B, C
Deepak - C, Db, E, F#, A, B, C
Megh - C, D, F, G, A, C
****************** ]
2. Da Hip Hop Illayarajas:
This is more of a modernisation of an early 80's masterpiece from Ilayaraja. This song has a right blend of Hip Hop + the Ilayaraja Factor. I believe if you can undestand Tamil, you would appreciate the lyrics as well.. So what is common between these two songs? CONTEXT!! Both these songs express the pain n happiness in a musicians life.. While Ilayaraja's original features a poor ambitious musician trying to impress the producers / directors for a music chance, this one is about a group of tamil rappers trying their own style to get a break through.. I have heard a lot of remixes of older songs, but this is a class of its own.. Hats off to Yogi B and Nakshatra..
3. Symphony N Metallica:
I came to know about it sometime early in my first year of engineering. At that time, I thought it was one of those pranks that people play to make a complete fool out of you. How can the sound of Metallica be fused with Symphony? I remained skeptical until that night-out weekend when I got my hands on that 2 Live CD pack. Till that time, the Metallica I knew was in the likes of Kill 'em all, Master Of Puppets, Ride The Lightening et al. I was amazed to hear the booming guitars of Kirk Hamett with the dubious voice of James Hetfield blended with the sound of SanFransisco symphony. This album was a mouth shutter for all those critics who wrote down metal music as mere noise [ though it wasn't well recieved by hard-core Metallica Fans. I guess the pre-dominance of songs from less popular albums such as Load n Re-load could have been the reason behind it ] ..
This is one of my all time favourites [ Thou I feel, "Nothing else Matters" was the best sounding track in S&M ].. Master Of Puppets for You....
4. Apocalyptica:
If S&M was unbelievable, then my vocabulary is restricted to explain what Apocalyptica are. Imagine bringing the sound of metal music in four cellos?.. Started off as a cover band for Metallica, they have moved on to become the best music exports of Finland. The Heavy Metal Cello Fellos!!
This is apocalyptica playing the Master Of Puppets..
Apocalyptica's M.O.P - Full Version [the sound quality of this video is not so good :( ]
M.O.P by Apocalyptica [ only the all famous solo part of M.O.P ]
Hope you liked all the 6 bands that were featured in this blog ... >>
If you had scrolled up to check if there were 6.. GOTCHA!! Jus wanted to make you do a re-count.. !! :)
I wonder whether I over did Master Of Puppets in this blog??
If No..
then check out the original of Metallica's Master Of Puppets : Original Live ..!!
If Yes,
If Yes,
then anyways I have over done it, so doing it one more time doesn't cost much anyways.. So check out the original from Metallica M.O.P Original :)))
P.S.: I expect nobody would have clicked the Original version twice not knowing that both are same.. If Yes!! I have jus two words for u!! U ROCK !! ;)